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Craps Stars Learn The Game That Wins Money


Craps Stars Learn The Game That Wins Money

Craps Stars Learn The Game That Wins Money – Click To Full Download

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CrapsStars.com?????? “No Ads – No Hype.? You won’t find more valuable information on the Game anywhere else than CrapsSchool.com”????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???Casino Players Magazine July 2010 ARE YOU READY TO DISCOVER THE MOST PROFITABLE AND EXCITING GAME IN THE CASINO AND SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE LOSERS PLAYING SLOT MACHINES AND 21 ? Welcome and Thank You For Your Visit …

Okay, I’m going to keep this short and sweet.? I’m not going to bore you with the usual “Win $200 Per Hour Playing Craps” or other empty promises that I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear.

What I will say is this…??

If you’re tired of chasing the so-called? “systems”? or bogus schemes these scammers are feeding people then I have excellent news for you.

Keep reading because I guarantee that this will be the most important legitimate piece of information you will ever read about winning money consistently in a casino.

You can win big money playing this game but don’t be misled by these scammers trying to steal your money with bogus claims.

Thieves look to prey upon peoples dreams.? Don’t believe their lies.? These people are internet scammers who know nothing about the game of craps.? They are thieves trying to steal your money.? They have nothing to offer.


If you’re like most of our visitors you’ve already searched the internet for some basic information on the game before coming here. Information is widely available as a general outline but keep in mind,? it is just an outline.

It’s basic information about the game.? Unless you understand how to implement the information in live action it’s just a lot of meaningless numbers.???

I’m going to give it to you straight up.

?It’s better not to play at all than to risk your money in a game you don’t completely understand.?

Tune in for a few minutes and allow me the opportunity to give you some free and sound advice that’s meant to do one thing … Put Some Serious Cash In Your PocketSee our Ads ?on ESPN Spike Versus TruTV

Things you should already know … ????

The Casino’s all have games that are their cash cows. We all know what those games are. Slot Machines and 21 (blackjack) are the games that all casino’s rely on for their profits.

It’s those leisurely games that require the least amount of effort to learn and play.? Sorry if that hurts but it’s true. The game that’s least understood by the player or promoted by the Casino is the Game of Craps.

So Why is This ??????

It’s not a difficult question to answer.? Why steer player away from games where profits are consistent to a game like Craps that affords the player a much best chance of?winning ??

Think About It

No chairs at a Crap Table.?? The Casino’s could easily provide them if they wanted players to stick around and play the game.??? But If you want to play? Craps … it means standing up.? It’s not by accident why chairs aren’t provided …. It’s all by design.??

Craps is the ONLY GAME ?the Casino’s don’t want you to play.

I know because I was a Casino Boss for 10 years.

Just a Few Words About Gambling.

My Thoughts:

It’s difficult to explain to people who aren’t? real gamblers the thrill that a person gets while playing. Let’s face it, there is no other experience like gambling and when you play Craps … the way I feel about it, Craps really intensifies the gambling experience. For that reason alone, learn how to play craps.? It’s unlikely you’ll ever play another game after you do.? WarningAnyone can learn the odds and rules of playing craps free on the web.? But spend a little time at a Crap Table and see what it really costs you to learn this game.?? You will be sliced and diced.If you think you can win money by just knowing the basics of this game ???Sorry to have to tell you this but …. You’re in dreamland my friend.?? You can’t stumble into this game and expect to win.? ?If you want to win money in a Crap Game … You need to know the game .. If you don’t know the game … Don’t Play Craps.? You’ll make a fool of yourself? You will hold up the action,?? cause problems for the dealers,? and you’re going dump money.

Guaranteed You’re Going to Lose.?

? Only a Fool Gambles in a Game He Doesn’t Understand

Trust Me On This? … If You Don’t Really Know this Game?


Another word of caution …. If you walk up to a Crap Game and think you can learn it by watching. Keep your hands out of your pocket and don’t reach for your bankroll because you can’t.? Front Row is for Players OnlyStep up if you want to play …? BUT KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING WHEN YOU STEP UP.It’s not an easy game to learn.??? That’s why only a handful of players really understand how to play.?You aren’t playing a guessing game when you play Craps.? ?It’s not anything like pushing a button on a slot machine or playing 21.?? This is gambling in its highest form.? This is one bad ass game.? When you win money in an average crap game … you won’t just double your money …? It can be much more extreme.? But you need to know the game if you want to win…? You just don’t need to know how to play …. You need to know how to attack the game.? I say this all the time …. because? i’ve seen it happen…. Fortunes can be made in 15 minutes of play on a Crap Table. ?But you have to know how to play.On the opposite side of that? …. I’ve seen monster hands go totally unnoticed by players.? The dice might pass for 20 minutes and no one is betting.? ?it’s obvious.? People are gambling in a game they don’t understand…? All the while there’s an opportunity to win thousands of dollars that vanishes and goes unchallenged.?? It’s something that happens every night in a casino.? There are always opportunites to step into a hot game and cash big money.? You might have to wait for that one hand being rolled? …? But it will be there and be yours for the taking.


You probably have already found out that it takes more than just a little luck to walk away winners after making a play in a casino.?? Let me ask you this:?

How many times have you sat for hours and just fed the Bulldog ??

Let’s face it … 21 and Slots? are brutal games.? They are the casino’s vacuum cleaners.?? Slot Machines are the worst.?? Casino’s always rely on them to be their biggest money maker.? It’s ding ding ding and ching ching ching. ?It’s like a trip to Disneyland where you can wish on a star.

You stand a better chance playing 21? but it’s a back and forth grind that seldom produces more than just a minimal win and more often, a substantial loss.??

Relax long enough and spend hours playing those games and see what happens.? It’s a slow bleed.?

If you have spent any time in a casino ?? >>>? YOU KNOW WHAT I’VE SAID IS TRUE.

Las Vegas wouldn’t be on the map if players came to town … made one bet and walked away a winner or loser.? It’s the grand design of things.? Push that button long enough or play 21 long enough and you’re going to lose.?


When you play Craps you don’t belly up and play for hours.? You recognize table conditions.? You enter the game.? You Strike and You Cash … and when the phone rings at the Cashiers Cage when you step up, it will be the Pit Boss asking the Cashiers how much money you’re cashing.?

He wants to know how much you won.??? Check out who’s winning in a casino.? The players who cash large always come from the Crap Pit.???


I’ll be honest with you … I think most players step into games playing blind and don’t use common sense when they make a play.? But it’s a fact of life the casino’s are filled with players who have fun gambling? but don’t know how to win.?

Don’t get me wrong.? You can have fun gambling but take my word for it …? You’ll have a lot more fun when you win.

I’m going to teach you a way of winning serious and consistent money playing the most exciting and profitable game offered in a casino and you’re going to have the luxury of having insider information on how it’s done.?

It’s a Fact

You can’t learn the Game of Craps by reading a Casino’s Brochure or watching a video.? If you’re looking for the rules or odds of the game,? which is all you can get anywhere else.

?… I’ll give them to you right now but with a warning

Be realistic enough to understand.??? The Casino’s aren’t going to give you the information that will help you win their money.??? It’s not what they’re about.?

They just want you to play.? They want to give you some basic information and get you into the game.

?Casino Gaming?Guide Click Here

If you’re coming back I hope you did learn something about the game.??

The brochure you downloaded came from a popular Las Vegas Casino.? It’s exactly their print-out so if you feel confident enough to play after reading it?? Good Bye?- Good Luck to You.

?No reason for you to read any further.?

But I should tell you … you’re booking a loser.?

?Because I’ve read the brochure myself and I can tell you for a fact ….


(and you will)

Yes, It’s a slick brochure.? Very attractive well written and free …?

But It’s No Bible?

Don’t Be Misled

Winning comes from a combination of astute money management, accurate bet selection, correct timing, and lots of discipline.? It’s knowing the game and understanding what is needed to win.

That Can Be A Very Expensive Brochure


Save your money – Don’t Play?

Because You’re Going to Lose.?? 10 years of experience and thousands of crap games tells me that.? I’m not guessing when I say it.

It’s not your fault ….?? There just isn’t enough information given about the game that would allow you to win …. There’s no meat …. and that’s exactly what was intended by the casino who prepared it.???

You can read it over and over again but there is too much content about the game that’s “mysteriously” missing.??? The? best part was left out.? “HOW TO WIN “.

If you learned anything at all … You got just the basics of the game.? Don’t be misled.?? A Casino’s brochure isn’t intended to teach you how to win.?? Don’t fool yourself and don’t think otherwise.?

If you want to win serious money in a Crap Game you have to bring out the big guns …??? You need to have more than just an overview of this game if you expect to win money.? Snap out of it.? This isn’t your Momma’s bingo game.

It’s an? adrenaline pumping experience jumping into a Crap Game.? It’s something that has never left me and you will experience it every time you step up to play.?? It’s a rush of excitement that I wish everyone could experience.? I think of it as getting into an arena playing “The most extreme sport there is”.???

If you step into a Crap Game that has serious action … with big money in play … and the dice are passing … and the game is exploding? .. you have to be ready? …????You don’t want to stand there scratching your head while others are winning hundreds or thousands of dollars every roll of the dice.

A Brochure won’t teach you the game.? It won’t tell you how to play and it won’t teach you how to win and you’re certainly not going to learn this game watching a self promoting video where the narrator? doesn’t give a fat rats ass if you win or lose.?

Here is an example of a video I saw on YouTube.? The Narrator (casino monkey) says “You know if you have money on the Don’t Pass Line and you think the shooter will make his point.? We will let you change your mind and take your money down.”?

What he told you in the video is true. It’s part of the rules of the game.? But what he didn’t tell you …. it’s a very stupid thing to do.? You never should take a Don’t Pass bet down because the odds and chances of you winning that Don’t Pass bet is in your favor.? That’s why they allow you to take that bet down.? They don’t want to give you that edge.

It’s just another example of how you can know the rules of the game but still make a careless play that will cost you money …. you’re getting the rules and the numbers but without a single thought given to teaching you the best bets to play and how to win.?

There aren’t any ads in our seminar.? All those numbers you might learn somewhere else mean nothing if you can’t cash winners.? You won’t just waste your time … it? will cost you serious money with what you don’t know.?? We don’t link to any Casino’s and we are totally uncensored.

…. Make 1 stupid play at a Crap Table and you’ll lose much more than the cost of this very inexpensive seminar.

We focus on teaching the game with the sole purpose of winning money.? We don’t just teach you how to play … We’re the only legitimate company on the Internet that not only teaches the game but teaches you how to win.?

See our ads on Spike – Versus – TruTV and ESPN.? Our seminars are advertised nationwide.

You probably have already found out? …. the little bit of information you get on the internet from reading the rules or watching a video just skims the surface of the game of craps.? Why play if you don’t know how to win ?

If you want to risk your money trying to learn the game this way … you’re making a big and costly mistake.?

Think About What You Don’t Know –


Do you understand how to make? place bets in the proper denominations and who sets them up ??

Do Place Bets work on the come out roll or can you ask them to.? Should you press them when they hit ?

Is $17 inside a “proper bet”? if the point is 6.? What number are you betting with a $20.00 outside bet ??

?Did you understand how to make Come Bets.? When can you make them or if you even should ?

Did it tell you if the Come Bet odds work on the come out roll ???

Did it tell you the worst bet on the table or the best bet you can make ?

Did it explain what a horn bet is ??

? Did it explain what a horn high bet … is there a difference in the two and which is better ??

? Is a field bet a good bet or bad bet?? … or why it is and when it is ?

Can you make a field bet on the come out roll ?

What about Don’t Come bets.? Are they good or bad ??

? How do you make a Come Bet ? Where does your money go on the layout ?

? Should you lay the odds or take them or even know how ?? What do they pay. Should you “go up” ?

? What does telling the dealer to “press” really mean.??? How will it affect your bet and payoff ?

I could ask you a 100 questions about the game that wasn’t covered in the brochure.

Nobody is Going to Hold Your Hand When You Step Up to Play

and the idea of asking a “friendly dealer for advice” ….?? you’ll get laughed at.

If you’re serious about learning this game I can teach it to you.? I can show you how to win and I can show you how to lose and I can give you insider strategies on how it’s done.?

I will also teach you the Progressive Don’t?? A strategy that was the most searched Google Gambling Strategy in 2007-2008.? It was mine … I am the only person who teaches it.

It’s too slow and too boring for me.?? I don’t especially like it myself.? In fact, I don’t even recommend the Progressive Don’t but I’ve developed players who call it magic and some have never lost when playing it. ?

You can practice it at home with a pair of dice and see for yourself.? It’s a $57.00 maximum buy in at a Casino to play it.?? It’s a slow grind out strategy,? but it consistently makes people money which is the only reason I continue to teach it.

I will also teach you how to turn $5.00 into $500 in as little as two rolls of the dice.?? A third roll can legitimately win $5000.00.

This is a bet that’s not advertised on the layout but available to any player with advanced knowledge of the game.?? Take it from me, with even just a little volatility,? this betting strategy can win .? ? It’s been proven and tested many times by winning players.

I teach all the odds … all the bets … all the payoffs in a Narrated 20 + slide flash presentation.? If there is anything in the seminar you don’t understand you can e-mail me and I will help you.? ?

You can download the seminar online? and I’ll also be sending you a Complimentary CD of the seminar that you might want to share with your friends.? Let them win a few thousand dollars too.

I Refuse to Make False Promises

There is no Magic Elixir or Silver Bullet that will allow you to win every time you play.? If anybody tells you different they are flat out liars.? They’re scammers trying to get in your head (and your pocket.)

But when you learn this game and play the strategies contained in our seminar your winnings will be 20 fold over the times you may occasionally?lose. I don’t make false promises … ?I teach a proven and tested progressive betting strategy that 99% of all players don’t know.?

I don’t make promises.?? I just teach people how win.

I teach all the Proposition Bets and explain which are the best and worse to play.? Come Bets,?? Place Bets,? Field Bets,? All the bets,? all the odds,? all the parlays,? and all the best payoffs.

I will teach you the Complete Game of Craps.? Nothing is left out and you will be in a class by yourself when you step up to a Craps Table.? NO ONE WILL KNOW THE GAME MORE THAN YOU.

Listen to an Excerpt of the Seminar Here? - this is not a video.

Something You Might Not Want to Hear

You won’t learn this game in one sitting.? You may need to listen to portions of it several times before you really understand the principals needed to win big money.? Think of a pyramid and consider turning it in your favor by starting with a small amount of money and pressing your bet.?

Understanding Volatility? ??

“True Odds”? are constant and unchanging and can be validated over thousands of rolls of the dice. During these thousands of rolls however, you will see periods where numbers are being rolled that defy all logic and odds.? It’s volatility … it’s an explosion of rolls that fits no recognized pattern.

Let’s consider the number 8.?? The true odds of seeing an 8 being rolled is 5 times out of 36 rolls.?? But you will see many Crap Games where the number 8 is being rolled over and over again possibly 10 times or even more in a 36 roll span.

This is not rare,?It is simply a period of time when true odds are not justified? …? be thankful for the mystery because there is no explanation as to why it happens.? Recognize it when it does and attack the game during this volatility.?

Remember …? There are? Sheep and there are Wolves in every Crap Game.? Don’t be a Sheep

Because there are opportunities during Crap Games when



Reaching the Limit

It’s not difficult to do.? I teach progressive betting … it’s the only way to play and you will be astounded how quickly you can reach a maximum amount the Casino will allow you to bet.? When the Pit Boss taps you on your shoulder to tell you …. That’s when you know you’re having fun.


When the dice are passing you may see the Casino Manager pacing in the Crap Pit telling the stickman to “Turn the Dice” trying to do anything to stop the bleeding.? Hold on to your shorts.? Your heart will be pounding every roll of the dice.? Besides all that, it’s fun to watch the casino bosses.? You might not think so but they cry like babies when the Casino loses.?

Insider Strategies

They are real and can make the difference between winning serious money and walking away dragging your tail.??

I will give you tested and valid strategies that will optimize every bet you make.? I’ll teach you how to recognize? a cold table …? when to play … when to charge … and?when to go home.??

After all, why step into a game you have no chance of winning on ?? I don’t know the answer to that question but people do it all the time.? I’ll teach you how to spot those table and it will save you thousands of dollars in losses – ?You won’t find that anywhere else.?


I’m not crazy about sharing insider information free to people.? Sorry … I do it occationally but it’s never appreciated as much as it should be.?

But because you’ve read this far …

I’ll Gve You Some Insider Strategy? …. FREE… ?

There isn’t any other way to say it …People Who Have Taken Our Seminar are Winning Money Right Now (These are testimonials in our office on file each authentic and guaranteed to be true)
If you’re like most players you’ve probably struggled to stay even while making a play in a casino.? It’s difficult to get ahead and stay ahead when you continually make the same bet over and over again. When you play Craps your initial bet is the smallest bet you make and as the dice pass, your bets increase after each win until you begin playing with the houses money.? It’s not rocket science … it’s understanding the game and playing it to your advantage.Just like on Wall Street.?? Bulls Can Win … Bears Can Win … But Pigs Get SlaughteredBenny the Bite?? (True Story) This is Not HypeRemember ….? Winning comes from a combination of astute money management, accurate bet selection, correct timing, and lots of discipline.? The most important will always be timing in the discipline of your play. So Who Am I And How Do I Know So MuchMy name is Robert Flatt and I’m the Instructor in our Seminar.? I make no bones about it.? I’m also a player and I love to Shoot Craps.? I’ve been gambling all my life.? I was pitching pennies when I was 7 years old.? At 12 I Played Cut Throat Pitch with adults (and beat them.)? I hustled 3 Card Monty in High School and learned Thorpes Ten Count at College in Boston.? I moved to Las Vegas in the early 70s and left Vegas in 1983. I worked at the Mint, the Four Queens, the Union Plaza, the Marina, the Flamingo, and the Stardust.? I worked in the capacity as a Crap Dealer, a Boxman, a Floor Man, a Pit Boss and Shift Boss and I’ve gambled in Casino’s since 1974.? I was playing Craps when most people weren’t even born.? I’m no weekend player who read a book and thinks he knows this game.? I know this game inside out upside down.? I’ve watched thousands of Crap Games.? I know how to win and I know the reason why players lose.?? I don’t win every time I play but I’ve kicked the Casino’s butt more times that I can count.? I’ve won 80k in a single night.?? I bought in for $200 that night.? It’s my biggest score but I’ve had several close to it.? I live in a pretty nice house.? I’ve got a nice car … a Harley Davidson in my garage that I love and a girl friend that drives me crazy.? I don’t work for anyone … I’m nobody’s boy.? I don’t suggest that anyone should quit their day job after taking my seminar and if you are thinking you can do as well as I have … chances are, you probably can’t.? But I can tell you One Absolute Truth? …You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play ?

Now It’s Getting Down to Crunch Time

If you’ve read this far,? you probably are trying to decide if you really do want to learn this game.? Maybe you’re trying to figure out how to save a few buck and learn the game the hard way.? I don’t blame you for wanting something for nothing.? But you won’t get it from me.?

I’ve got 10 years of experience rapped up in this project.? Everything I know about this game and? winning is laid out.? I give insider information that’s not available from anyone else.??

Can you spare $50 to learn a game that can put money in your pocket for the rest of your life ?? That’s about what you can expect to lose playing nickel slot machines in a couple hours.? You might even be able to get a tank of gas in your car for $50.00 (maybe).?

But that’s all I’m going to ask you for.??

If you’re sweating $50 and you think that’s too much for what I have to offer? …? chances are you’re not anyone who could ever win money in a Crap Game Anyway. ?

Besides, If that 50 dollars is a big struggle for you ?? Let’s Keep it Real …….. goodbye … good luck …? you’ve got problems.?

You could hear the seminar live and pay over $200 and you’re welcome to e-mail me for my upcoming 2012 dates but it’s available to you right now and can be downloaded instantly.??

I’m dead serious and I’m proud to tell you …. This seminar has changed people’s lives.

It’s Turned Losers into Winners.?? People who have previously sat for hours and just hemorrhaged cash? are now stepping up to a Craps Table and Winning Money.? It’s a new game and they’re finding out they do have the chance to win serious money and they’re excited about it …. It’s a compete 100% 360 degree reversal of fortune.?

Learn this game and get the insider details on how it’s being done.

This Seminar has bought new cars … it’s even bought new houses … it’s paid for Cruises … It’s paid College tuitions and the real fact is … Fortunes can be made at a Crap Table in 15 minutes of Play !

This seminar digs into the guts of the game,? It’s hard nosed craps that goes beyond the boundaries of the game. You won’t just learn the number.? Knowing the odds and rules won’t put a dime in your pocket.? It’s playing the game to win.

It’s Complete and Uncensored and remember??WE JUST DON’T TEACH THE GAME OF CRAPS???????????? ….? we teach you how to win.

It’s a 35 MB Flash Presentation and you should have a high speed internet connection to download it.?It plays on all Windows operating systems and contains over 20 slides and is narrated.??

If you e-mail me your home address I will also send you the same seminar as a complimentary gift on a CD.? I’ve seen this same CD being re-sold on E-bay for over $50.00.

No reason to continue playing games you can’t win on.?? If you’re serious about wanting to win? … Learn the Game of Craps … You will be thrilled by the game and you will profit from it.

I appreciate you allowing me the opportunity to make my pitch and I hope that every play you make will be a winning one.?

Click Here To Order Now $ 49.95

Payment is one-time only.? There are no monthly or ongoing fees.

You Will Be Able to Full Download the Seminar Immediately

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